

Problem: Positioning the brand as the go to trend setter for affordable accessories and home decor.

Solution: We tested to find the ideal customer identity through social media ad segmentations & user monitoring. Knowing our customer, we then implemented a relatable style guide around bright pastel colours, a relaxed brand personality & voice of engagement. Then we began work cultivating a strong influencer network based around our ideal user identity.

Services: Branding & Identity • Logo Design • Web Design • Web Development • Graphic AD Design • Copywriting • Social Media Management

The Ecommerce Storefront

We implemented web analytics, A/B testing and user monitoring tools to make marketing decisions using a fact-basis. Many Ecommerce brands don't take full advantage of the insights available coming from their traffic. Our strategy is always to Test, Learn and Refine. Using this technique we optimized page elements, viewed hot zones and grew checkout likelihood by over 23%.

The Marketing

There are so many tactics and techniques out there that it's harder than ever to see the forest for the trees. Even worse, many channels become so concentrated that we're marketing around tactics and products rather than customers and campaigns to engage them naturally. Then came Apple's privacy implementation and Facebook ad ROAS downturn. We cultivated a high-impact influencer campaign with the goal of creating purpose with the audience being front and center and the channels behind the campaign goals being personable and relatable. After some testing we succeeded in creating a profitable repeat network of influencer branded advertising while redistributing the influencer engagement to boost our PPC campaigns on social media.

The Logo

HK Basics represents the everyday, bubbly, open minded young person. We approached the design with a modern take on "freshness" in mind. With consistent product collection launches, the lettering is representative of an almost abstract/out-of-the-box concept. The face to show the importance of community as core to the emergence of this modern lifestyle brand.

hk basics logo
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