We don’t need to tell you the importance of having a strong brand identity on major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn

Your shoppers flow through these channels every day, so connecting to them at the right time and right message is a powerful marketing tool.

The challenge lies in the proper marketing & management of all these social media sites and doing it well so it makes you money instead of costing you a lot.

If you are here, you probably know the huge lack of ROI in doing it in-house or have dealt with the craziness of hiring multiple social media agencies, since most work on some platforms like Facebook but not google or do social media management services and not ad campaigns or advertising.

Well, say goodbye to all that craziness and say hello to Inhous, the only agency to take care of all your social media marketing needs in one place, hassl-free.


Social media advertising is the most cost-effective form of advertising available today. On average, you can spend $5 and reach 1,000 people. In comparison to traditional media, our social media advertising services are 3x less costly.

71% of consumers who had a positive social media experience with a brand were likely to recommend it to others

21% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that they can reach on social media

Demographics Social advertising is powerful because you can target your exact demographic. Run laser-targeted social media campaigns to people based on their interests and online behaviors. We can target specific ages, locations, income levels, and much more!

Email Lists Send your email list to us and we can run custom ads to your email database. If you have the emails of previous leads or customers, say hello to repeat sales and new referrals.

Website Visitors Add retargeting pixels to your website and advertise to recent website visitors. Only 1-2% of visitors convert on their first visit. We’ll use remarketing to increase your rate of conversions!

Social Media AD Campaign Services
It's our responsibility to drive you profitable results. With our experience & creative teams, you'll be popping champagne in no time.

Are you looking for an effective way to grow your business’ brand awareness, number of new customers, and website traffic? Then you should be creating social media content!

Brand Awareness (Followers) Growing your followers on social networks will help you increase word of mouth and referrals.

Relationships (Engagement) When you build a strong connection through engagement with your audience, they are more likely to buy from you. We will help you increase engagement (likes, comments, etc.) on your social media posts. The more engagement you have, the stronger your connection is with your audience.

Social Media Management Services
Engagement, word of mouth and loyalty. The most powerful tools a business can have. We sharpen and put them to work.
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